(909) 236-0798


Meg City FC (Select Program) is a competitive program for advanced players wanting to train and compete in local, regional, and national tournaments/events. The Select program currently trains on Sundays Evenings. (Younger age groups train earlier and older age groups train later). Players will learn the following:

  • Positional awareness: Fixo, Ala, Pivot
  • Rotations: 3-1.
  • Defensive principles including "Player marking".
  • Set pieces including kick-in, corner, and goal clearance plays.

Values that we teach our players:

  • Respect. Respecting everyone including coaches, referees, parents, teammates, and opponents.
  • Being kind. We understand that the youth soccer world is competitive but we are all connected and we must better the game, community, and culture.
  • Having Fun! Experience is key and we hope everyone enjoys this futsal experience with us. 

Meg City Futsal currently has the following teams/age groups:

Team size: 7-10 players (2-3 GK + 8 court players). We may have a deep player base for a specific age group. 


In order for teams to compete at events, a parent Manager or Coach must be designated/assigned to each team (Just in case of coaching conflicts). For more information or to volunteer as a Parent Manager or Coach please send interest to info@megcityfutsal.com.

Training Schedule (Trainings on Sundays):

  • August- November- Training to prepare for Winter Regionals and/or other events.
  • December & January Off (Training Optional)
  • February- May- Training to prepare for Regionals and/or Nationals (Depending on age group performance. )
  • June & July- Off (Training Optional)

Projected Tournaments (No Guarantees):

  • December/January- US Youth Futsal Regional tournaments (Sacramento)
  • March- US Futsal Northwest Regionals (Santa Clara/San Jose)
  • July- US Futsal Nationals (Las Vegas) & US Youth Futsal Nationals (Kansas City)
  • International Tournaments in Europe and/or South America (TBA). No guarantees.


  • $100 per player (Per month) as of December 2024.

Please note: National tournaments are based off performance and qualifications. There are no guarantees that any team will attend a National tournament. Each event and age group varies. Meg City plans on taking 1-3 teams per event/tournament to better manage teams. With more parent support, we may be able to bring more teams to a specific event. The main goal for each event is to gain experience and HAVE FUN! Competing and placement at tournaments are important but they are not the main focus at Meg City Futsal. We believe that FUN is the most important ingredient for each player's longevity in this sport. We hope to see our players continue playing this sport into their Adulthood (at any level) and not get burnt our at age 12. We will never know who is the next best player and our goal is to inspire each and every player to continue playing. 


  • 3-4 training Sessions per month (Trainings on Sundays)
  • No contracts. No refunds.
  • Training Fees Does Not include games, events, ref fees, tournament fees, hotels, travel, etc.
  • All players will receive a free training top and a pair of shorts.
  • No Fees for Jerseys. Jerseys are maintained by Meg City and jerseys are assigned to players for each event.

Important: Players are selected to participate at events and tournaments based on multiple factors including past performance, understanding of the game and curriculum, attitude, etc. There are no guarantees that players will be invited to any event or tournament. There is also no guaranteed playing time for any player at any event or tournament. Players may be dropped from the program at any time.


Players are identified from our Meg City Experience Program and/or invited to try out (Invitation only). The Experience program is our feeder system into our select program. Players must understand: positions, the positional roles, curriculum, rotations, offensive and defensive tactics, etc.